Somatic education is the use of sensory-motor learning to gain greater voluntary control of one’s physiological processes. It is “somatic” in the sense that the learning occurs within the individual as an internalized process.
— Thomas Hanna

Thomas Hanna defined somatic education as s the use of sensory-motor learning to gain greater voluntary control of one’s physiological processes. While many modalities have influenced our methods at West East Somatics, what Dr. Bennett learned from Thomas Hanna forms the basis of most of our work.

Dr. Hanna organized the first United State Feldenkrais training. In the following years his practice of what he learned from Moshe Feldenkrais evolved with the addition of new techniques. At the same time he developed a theory on how most patterns of dysfunctional muscular tension emerge (see Somatics, Reawakening the Mind’s Control of Movement, Flexibility, and Health, 1988).

Dr. Bennett has found this methodology both conforms to his Tai Chi sensibilities and is the most effective approach to overcome habituated muscular tension. Dr. Bennett also adds touches from his training in the Trager Method and the learning techniques of Georgi Lozanov, Ivan Barzakov, and Milton Erickson is informed by his study of the Alexander Technique and Feldenkrais Method.

Dr. Bennett teaches classes and sees individual clients to help people eliminate discomfort and move with greater ease and comfort.


Somatic Movement Class to Improve Neuromuscular Function (OnLine)

Contact: Bradford Bennett at

One on One Lessons

Many individuals feel that they can improve more rapidly with individual lessons. Appointments for individual lessons can be made by contacting Dr. Bennett directly.

... the only direct outward effects of our will are our bodily movements.
— William James (1890)